Original Article:
This blog was started in order to inform the public about the fact that almost all published figures on algae oil production and the companies that try to sell algae oil production plants are fabricated by the likes of AlgaeLink / BioKing to entice unsuspecting companies into the trap.
If anyone can show me that they have a working (to spec) algae oil facility I will remove this blog and publish the details but so far it simply does not exist! Big companies are lead down the garden path and lose a fortune every time - it still amazes me with all the facts they still go ahead.
Some lost their businesses and private homes to recover from this scam.
I can assure you the concept is good but in practice it does not work no matter how convincing the companies selling this idea are or how recent breakthroughs are working!
Be warned that even the demonstrations these companies hold are rigged and they know the law well in order to protect themselves and they keep re-appearing no matter what. Also keep an eye on people like Biodiesel Magazine that publish facts that are not facts.
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Original Article: Thursday, 14 August 2008
You will not believe how deep and complex this algae oil scam goes! Is Algae Oil Bio-Diesel the answer to the worlds oil problems... not likely.. Even some of the worlds top companies have just fallen for this mathematical trick.
Companies like AlgaeLink / BioKing, BFS (biopetroleo), [De Beers Fuel] and so many more are selling algae oil production equipment and complete solutions that are simply built around a global misconception of pure fantasy.
Let me tell you right away that there is conclusively no functional industrial sized photo bio-reactor that produces more than a few grams a day in operation anywhere in Europe or Africa.
I know this because I have just physically been to investigate!
ALL the companies involved in algae oil solutions are lying about the production figures to sell demonstration plants simply to cash in on the hype or sucker you into paying millions for a system that will never work. At the end of the day you are just buying into a million $ scam.
They will tell you things about how the demonstration reactor must be used first to test various types of algae and how it takes anything from 6 to 18 months to do this. So you are paying for their research only to discover it will never work anyway. (Long after they have run off with your money)
You will also look at great financial spreadsheets showing 20 to 95% ROI (return on investment) for a few million dollars but you will be forced to pay upfront for the pilot plant with promises of refunds when you buy the full sized plant. (which will never happen and they know it)
It all boils down to a good concept that works in the lab but not in practice. The system struggles to produce the large enough quantities of algae to start with and then you have to convert that to diesel which is very expensive. There are also many many operational costs and inputs like CO2 which sounds simple but you need a tons of it to make this work. Soon you will discover that the biggest problem you are left with is truck loads of algae cake (a pile of algae) that you are lead to believe you can sell for a fortune and actually makes up majority of your profits!
Everything sounds very good and huge figures are flashed around like its chump change but the jokes on you when you discover your demonstration plant is not doing well a few months later.
They will also tell you they have sold hundreds of these trial plants and have a few full blown plants currently going into production with 100+ ton capacities around the world.
Their offices, demonstrations, factory and presentations are all professional quality - it's hard not to believe it will work. However if you have ever been to see a functional demonstration it will be unlikely you will actually see quantities of algae coming out the machine never mind an oil press that works. It all smoke and mirrors.
Next up is a some actual quotes and costs...
All based on the fact that the process actually works and you can put it in a country that has 365days of sunshine because if this has to be powered by conventional lighting you will have the biggest electricity bill in the world.
Algaelink.com initial quote:
Here is the initial quote I got from Algaelink.com
for a 50 ton per day production plant.
Prices are quoted in US$
Biomass production ton per day 50
Total Investments $17,265,310
Investment per ton of $345,306
dry biomass per day
Annual Algae production 18,000,000 Kg.
Annual Oil production 8,100,000 Litres
Annual production of Biodiesel 8,100,000 litres
Algae cake annual production 9,900,000 Kg.
Glycerine annual production 1,012,500 Liters
Others (fat acid) 162,000 Kg.
Ton of CO² removal 35,280 tons
Sales Earnings
Annual sales of Bio diesel $6,075,000
Algae cake annual $13,365,000
Glycerine annual $354,375
Others (fat acid) $40,500
Carbon fees $352,800
Annual incomes $20,187,675
Fertilizers $677,166
Wages $523,944
Energy $1,199,902
Hexane $64,800
Alcohol methyl $546,750
Catalyser $89,100
Local transportation $117,000
Maintenance spare parts $345,306
Administration costs (tel. office supplies..) $40,000
Insurances $288,203
Miscellaneous $80,000
Sales and representation $50,000
Amortization (5 to 10 years) $2,512,165
Interest $1,046,487
Total annual cost $7,580,824
COSTS / Liter or Kg.
Ton / day biomass reactor 50
Cost per biodiesel liter $0.49
Cost per Kg of algae cake (tourte) $0.35
Cost per Kg of algae $0.32
Biomass production ton per day 50
Annual Incomes, turnover $20187675
Annual Costs $7580824
Incomes - costs $12606851
ROE - Return over Earnings 62%
ROI - Return over Investment 73%
Algaelink.com final quote:
After meeting with them - here is a quote for the same 50 ton plant. (after we waste tons of time and money on this project)
We told them we wanted to go ahead and skip out the demonstration plant or at least do it at the same time thereby going into full production as soon as possible.
Now this is what we got back... not a quote for $17mill (11.4mill Euros) as originally indicated BUT now for $119mill (80mill Euros). Why? because this is basically what it would cost and a lot more as this is completely based on best case production rates.
This quote also offered no guaranteed production quantities and did not include the bio-diesel conversion equipment (costing millions) or the operational and chemical costs which are also in the millions - never mind the fact its all ex-vat)
The original sales pitch was based on a 5 to 10 year amortization and the fact that you can actually sell mega tons algae cake for a great profit as the oil production is less than 50% of the goods. Now you are looking at a 900% loss and you will kiss 100% of your $119mill goodbye.
The quote below details a production rate of 1200g/m3 per day. (based on what I don't know)
Compare this to the pilot plant they offer at 3.5 cubic meters capacity which seems to produce less than 1kg (or less) from all information sources - this is now claiming a production of 4.2kg a day equivalent - which is near impossible. So if the pilot plant covers 48m2 the 50ton plant would cover 2.4mill sq meters. (which is equal to 593 acres which is enough space to park 118600 cars) and this is probably best case scenario - worst case could be double this in size and could cost up to 3.45 billion euros if you use the pilot plant example. Now calculate the cost per litre of oil - $22/litre.
It cannot and will not ever work - even if you work it out on best case scenarios it would cost about $5 a litre using the fantasy figures supplied.
So why did they initially quote $17million to start with? and include detailed spreadsheets that are all useless?
"The Quote"
Thank you very much for your interest in our Photo bioreactor technology.
We are pleased to provide this Offer you have requested for an AlgaeLink Photo bioreactor plant based on your requirements of 50 ton per day.
This system is based on using polycarbonate tubing.
We have estimated the price at 80,000,000 euro for the photo bioreactor.
This is based on a productivity rate of 1200g/m3 per day.We have estimated the price at 80 million euro for the photo bioreactor.. Without the results of the demo unit we cannot offer more exact costings at this stage. The monitoring of your system will indicate the realistic productivity on location and this result will impact on the design itself. Another very important issue that will reflect on the total cost is mentioned section 4 (terms of payment). The initial phase is the Preliminary Engineering and Project planning phase. Once the initial phase is accomplished AlgaeLink will address the final cost estimate together with the client. AlgaeLink is responsible for the design and control, however in phase 2 we discuss the options to buy the components locally. We recognize that the tubes and down stream components if purchased locally will reduce the total project cost significantly. Please find the offer details and delivery and payment conditions detailed below and technical and scope of supply information attached. This offer is for the design, manufacturing and delivery of a plant for the above stated capacity. The scope of the offer covers the Algae Reactor itself and not other components such as Carbon capture, harvesting and drying. The scope of the offer is provided in accordance with the Technical Description and Scope of Delivery attached to this offer.The down stream components have been touched on here, however these components can be found locally or by Algae Link. The construction of all foundations, the building,required road-works and supply of all necessary utilities (e.g. electricity, water) will be your responsibility. This components are taken into consideration for our customized design.After signature of the contract it will be necessary to visit the chosen plant site immediately to collect all requested information and data of the location to prepare the detailed site planning.
"End Quote"
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End of Original Article
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To end this off I found this bit of information from another source.
Biodiesel equipment market collapses, damage ahead
The biodiesel equipment market in Europe seems to be collapsing as prospects remain silent, projects are on hold and existing biodiesel plants stopped working, various sources report, due to high oil prices and difficult supplies. At least one high profile company (as seen on CNN) from The Netherlands has run into trouble by not being able to cope with the resulting negative cash flow. And as initial payments of last year’s projects went to luxury cars and spinoff algae projects rather than to the projects themselves, the company is reportedly unable to fulfill its obligations. Private homes of the company’s directors and shareholders have been seized pending further legal action.
Various other equipment and plant manufacturers confirm business stagnation in Europe, but are able to maintain their positions with the business shifting to Africa and Latin America.
Ref: from Cleantech.com
Unreliable Company - Stay Away
Submitted on February 8th, 2008 by Riaan
We worked with Bioking for over a year, found our investors for $25 million USD, we needed a small sample of algae oil so that we can have a 3rd party test it for sustainability and reliability in biodiesel. Week after week for months they kept promising us a 100ml sample and even told us they have send it and week after week we keep calling back, still no sample. You would think a company selling this equipment would be able to provide a sample if they want millions of dollars from you. We couldn't even get in touch with their CEO or management, the only help you get is the salespeople who will promise you the world. Stay away this scam it is expensive and it will only hurt your company's reputation. Good luck out there, if you have equipment that work or samples for me, we will consider all options except Bioking
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Updated information from Biodieselfever.com (visit their website for the full story)
Breaking news: Bioking bankrupt.October 9th, 2008 (However they will be back!)
According to a blogger on Dutch forum ppo.nu, Dutch biodiesel equipment manufacturer Bioking closed its doors and sent home all personnel without salary. The website http://www.bioking.nl/ is down and their sister company Algaelink, according to its website homepage, is said to be based in Spain, while only last week their headquarters were in Roosendaal, The Netherlands, in the same building as Bioking ( http://www.algaelink.com/ )Today the creditors of the company have been informed by Moeliker & Platteeuw lawyers of Middelburg about the financial situation. At least what they believe that the situation is, as the real situation as we know it is much more complicated.Bioking was founded somewhere in 2005 as a sole proprietor, then came Bioking Inc., a Delaware corporation which after some time spawned a Dutch BV called Bioking BV. More BV´s were founded on top of Algaelink, a sister company of Bioking BV founded with money earned in Bioking BV. Are you still there? On top of the Bioking Holding BV two other holdings were put, each fully owned by father and son Van de Ven (see above picture). In the press they claimed turnovers of several millions a year. They were succesful. At least that is what the company with the many faces wanted you to believe. The reality is that the company has been taking deposits from customers without delivering any equipment. An example: In the fall of 2006, Biomac ( http://www.biomac.com.my/ ) of Malaysia paid Bioking EUR 350000 deposit for a EUR 3.5M palm oil refinery and biodiesel plant which was never delivered despite a lawsuit in 2007. At the same time Hans van der Ven, Biokings owner, bought a Bentley (the choice of success) and moved the company into a larger building in Roosendaal to set up the facade and lure other clueless prospects and investors into his new trap: algae photobioreactors. At that time Bioking BV was already dead meat. Totally emptied out. As the bankruptcy came near, Bioking BV was renamed into the obscure VMA Trading BV which now is officialy bankrupt. For more details download the registration from the Dutch chamber of commerce.Mr Dick Bont, a former selling consultant working for Bioking BV before and after the photobioreactor business was moved into its new subsidiary Algaelink, left the company because he was forced to lie to customers about the production capacity of the photobioreactors.Today, all remainings of Bioking equipment have been rebranded into Algaelink equipment and are pictured as such on the Algaelink website. What is left behind in Bioking is an educated guess, but allegedly the company is without assets, only debts. Debts to customers and debts to suppliers.Mr Hans van de Ven is likely to pull the same trick he pulled with Bioking with Algaelink again. You have been warned.Update: some creditors that claim money from Bioking have been told to send a credit invoice to Bioking and send a new invoice to Algaelink, according to one of these creditors.
Visit Biodieselfever.com for the complete story.
Also see http://biodieselfever.com/?p=4#comment-439 for other interesting comments.
AlgaeLink has also started a company in Spain:
Cultivos de Algas
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How to waste a few million - invest with http://www.sapphireenergy.com/ sapphire energy
So http://www.oilgae.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=108 says the "Bill Gates invests in algae fuel" with a cool $100 million - well Bill Gates if you are reading this I suggest you fire "Sapphire Energy" as your investment handlers as they are clearly throwing your money away. Maybe I can manage your money more wisely..
I seriously doubt Bill would approve of this if he knew what was going on and understood what was really happening.
Basically it looks like Sapphire Energy has fallen for the latest in Algae Oil scams and is working on it with top biological engineers :)
I also heard Richard Branson (another person that needs my help in money management [in certain area's]) is spending fortunes on Algae Oil... Now its all 'hear say' on websites and he is no fool.. So it is all quite strange. (Branson has now stopped all algae oil research): http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/blog2/2008/05/27/air-france-klm-signs-with-algae-link-to-procure-algae-oil-for-jet-fuel-blending/
Update from the best detectives out there - Biodieselfever
Read http://biodieselfever.com/?p=75 which explains how BB-Diesel is selling the junk that Bio-King has/had for sale. http://www.bb-diesel.com/ bb-diesel.com
In other news Algae Oil is still hot on the web even though the oil price is low. (Thanks Google Trends)
try typing in some other related search terms or company names!
I have also seen new reports coming out with new inventions based around the Algae Oil scam but this time with new twists in how they have cracked it or are about to.. (sometimes I wonder if it might work until I research it)
Also just be careful as even the good guys http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiesel have bogus information fed to them from legitimate sources who have in turn received incorrect information.
http://www.biodieselnow.com/forums/t/18527.aspx has a few posts on it from people who are about to buy / just bought / think about it / or checking it out.. my question is - have you guys not read my blog - can I make things any clearer? what more proof do you want?
Annelie says:
"We have ordered an ordinary plant around May 2008. Promises, promises for months. Partner went there again from SA, showed them the plant then after few weeks "shipment" ready. Final payment arrangement with Bioking. They instructed us to pay in another account. Next week we heard that Bioking is bankrupt. Our plant is standing there under curatorship, problem is he never received second payment. Fraud. We are trying anything to get our plant with help of advocate and via criminal procedures. We need details of another client with same problem to continue with legal action. Please provide your details so that we can contact you if you had a similar experience. "
"We are still trying to get the plant by following criminal procedures and civil procedures. But at the end of the day it takes time, but we will pursue the issue."
Officially Bioking/Algaelink - Helen Parker, Hans van de Ven and Peter van den Dorpel the international fraudsters have lost their offices/premises due to non payment of rent. They had until the 1st of November to move out. So it looks like they are fresh out of your cash!
If you think you have any equipment owing to you - I suggest you get down to their offices with the local police (who know all about this) and lay claim to it or maybe you can lay claim to Peter van der Dorpel's nice Jaguar that he is still driving around in.. before he moves down to Spain.
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The scamming team still continues to this day.. be careful!
I like this conversation.. it is shows what a lot of people go through...
- 6 11 2008
Larry (22:15:04) :
Interpol turned on! See: http://biodieselfever.com/- 8 11 2008
Paul Voerknecht (11:14:09) :
It seems that Peter van den Dorpel Marco van de Ven and personally involved in bankruptcy fraud. Bioking BV All sums received more money from various companies, but these gentlemen left the money to another account transfer. What that site is talking about is only the tip of the iceberg.- 8 11 2008
Larry (12:34:56) :
OK, it is obvious that Peter van den Dorpel and Marco van de Ven (but also other stakeholders) know how the fork in the stem. But these are assumptions yet. Sure is, that Peter van den Dorpel one of the prominent speakers at a conference as algae Tuesday in Madrid. See http://www.idae.es/index.php/mod.documentos/mem.descarga?file=/documentos_diptico_algas_11.11.08_485a2191.pdf Are there people who want to make a few critical questions about the management of AlgaeLink / Bioking?- 8 11 2008
Luis Petinga (19:49:37) :
"But yet his assumptions." I make no assumptions audience ... later I get a claim on my pants. The facts are, how incredibly well. Nope. Peter van den Dorpel, Helen Parker cs have to be paid money that has to be paid to Bioking Bioking BV Holding BV. In black and white. This has confirmed Omuti Fuels. And Peter van den Dorpel has also confirmed the lawyer Omuti Fuels. It is also just a bank statement. And there is a request by the former management of BV Bioking just before bankruptcy even more money to Bioking Holding BV made. They could not I lose, because that is not the client's wishes to publish. But that's the much larger sums. Van den Dorpel somewhere that says anything goes. That did the boys of Palm Invst and that guy from Easy Life too. The man suffers from algae fever and delirious all together. Fact is that Bioking BV as a result of this blackout, what you really should call the sharks went to accelerate, while Bioking Holding BV, with the money off and not for the payers to pay back. The status is now, and that is certainly no presumption that the lawyer Omuti Fuels a bankruptcy application is ready for Bioking Holding BV and are only waiting for a support claim. And that will certainly come.- 9 11 2008
Larry (11:09:08) :
The story is clear enough. And the street is very detailed and provides beneficiaries with Bioking etc. the opportunity to properly prepare and / or safe haven to be found taking with them all the underhanded obtained euros. Where is the action to see the decisive battle on to make? What is Interpol? And where are the auxiliaries of Hirsch Ballin to this racket-with-VOC-mentality to grasp the collar, and punishment for them in a dungeon the swampy algae herds around the window to study? You'd almost forgotten by those states where it all started: a viable alternative to fossil oil and crop-based biofuels.- 9 11 2008
Paul Voerknecht (16:01:14) :
"You'd almost forgotten by those states where it all started: a viable alternative to fossil oil and crop-based biofuels." ha ha- 10 11 2008
Larry (09:48:45) :
Yeah ... that's laugh ... But anyone who mixes here and elsewhere in the discussion AlgaeLink / Bioking, duped or not, has gone against it with great enthusiasm to explore the world of this development could be better - and in conjunction with, or even economically feasible was, and thus whether it represented the corporate wallet. Van de Ven cs there have been gross abuse of the valance and open to everyone who put coincidentally not paying attention. With all the justifiable excitement surrounding the bankruptcy of Bioking etc. devotion derived from the heart of the matter. So understand?- 10 11 2008
Dick Bont (10:20:28) :
Have they worked for one years ago, did not agree with certain things. Now they want me still not paid. And let me sit in the hotel and travel expenses pus an amount which I have worked as a sales consultant all together 4000 euros. If I did not this week I have my story on this site put on hold so they are put together- 10 11 2008
Larry (11:21:21) :
Dick, you here now start earlier and through biodieselfever.com even tell what your experiences with Bioking / AlgaeLink as employers have been. The chances that you get reimbursed expenses this week still seems incredibly small. So shoot the story out, so that any interested even clearer with the mentality we are dealing. The "algae department" in Roosendaal is already powerless. You get nothing more, just as you would still have something to fear.- 10 11 2008
Larry (11:57:50) :
Additional to Dick. You claim (s) deposited with the trustee of VMA Trading BV, Moeliker & Platteeuw Lawyers in Middelburg? http://www.mpadvocaten.nl/advocaten.php Shot is not always wrong. It gives you the chance to see something of that money back.- 10 11 2008
Paul Voerknecht (13:33:52) :
Dick, You can also simply connect to Blokzijl Lawyers in Groningen and the claim in the bankruptcy Omuti Fuels support request at Bioking Holding BV. There is, after all the money is gone from what they have achieved Bioking BV recent months.- 10 11 2008
Dick Bont (14:21:30) :
Hi Larry and Paul. Thanks for the info. Give them another chance for me this week to pay. Then I do my story on Bioking / algaelink from within. Are there after one years also found that there are a few of these companies where you can pierce through the balloon so because none of the promised output is correct. Thank you a tip when the constables to have the next question. Let me see now the mountains algae and algae oil drums filled with real. Then they show only small amounts. Beware of those who speak on the algae congerssen at home and abroad. You will soon see that many own up. Greetings Dick Bont http://www.greenfuelsystems.nl- 12 11 2008
Dick Bont (16:32:31) :
Hi Larry and Paul.Ben today called on by the villagers of Algaelink about my claim. In short, it means that they make every effort to come to inter. Even if I do want to be satisfied with half neemen. Everything is passed on Bioking BV and Hans van de Ven. What do I do this by Mr. Sill is the warning that I better forums on anything I could write about what they've experienced. Two hours later his lawyer is on the phone to his words to convert. Even for this relatively small amount that has one years is a major open problem created! I have not signed confidentiality statement so I can get my story about what I saw and experienced I tell? Can Block Sail Lawyers from Groningen advise me here? Greetings Dick.- 12 11 2008
Paul Voerknecht (23:30:29) :
Larry, Opinion that the claim against the trustee of a bankrupt eg empty picked to be filed is not really useful. Dick has not worked for biodiesel branch, but the algentak. So Bioking Holding BV, which activities are Algaelink sagging.- 13 11 2008
Larry (09:11:12) :
I knew not what B.V. Dick had an employment relationship. But if that Bioking Holding B.V. has been, even the bankruptcy of Bioking Holding applications? Too bad there is not along the normal path to a solution can be reached, Dick!- 13 11 2008
Paul Voerknecht (16:14:48) :
And nobody expected that the FIOD days.- 13 11 2008
Larry (19:25:20) :
FIOD FIOD ...? Our "Friends In Stunning stuff"? Well, that's beautiful! And who is there now, on hands and feet handcuffed, removed? And when? And for how long?- 14 11 2008
Yerseke (11:56:24) :
Hey dick you just need to knock that Hans will have 1.9 million euros from Keilman. He not only has she had. I also heard that nothing was produced by Keilman Algaelink until the fens have shares in Algaelink. So everything will be made through third company and can be ordered through Algaelink. Apparently he dares no money in the account of Algaelink to pay, why should that be nou. This week they had a visit from the receiver and then they hid all servers, because they were afraid they would take everything.- 15 11 2008
Adam Allard (19:38:31) :
After a few minutes researching Internet domain registration information, I found that Luis' website (BiodieselFever.com) has the same registrar information as a company called BioDys.com that makes and sells biodiesel processing systems. It would appear our neutral and unbiased "friend Luis has a reason for posting negative and alarmist comments about other companies in this space. So, Luis, what exactly is your connection to BioDys? Funny how often those who have a hidden agenda will be the first to stand up and point their finger at someone else.- 15 11 2008
luis petinga (22:30:54) :
http://www.allardresearch.com/ Adam, dear friend, What registrar may that be? I'm not neutral and unbiased. I'm on a mission. I'm exposing scams in the biofuel industry. That's quite an open agenda I'd say. I only questioned a few claims you made about your equipment on another blog, claims that made no sense, and still make no sense because you were not Able to answer a few simple questions. Instead of answering the questions on the other blog, you start a personal flame war here. Also, the critique was AIMED at the author of that article. You know, one of those blogs that conveniently publishes what people like you feed them, without using a brain cell or two to think about it. Even if I were the major shareholder of the competitor next door, your claim still would not make sense. I'm not your competitor. There are dozens of honest bd equipment suppliers out there I would not even consider writing anything bad about. But for the sake of the argument, let's say I am the senior engineer at the manufacturing division of ByoDis, does that make your claim that your machine outputs 450 gallons per day from a 75 gallon tank settle more true? Of course it does. So what do you tell your prospects if they ask you this question? You go flame at them on public blogs too? Luis- 17 11 2008
Gert (18:20:40) :
hello all, just for clarity, it would not be that AlgaeLink in Roosendaal in the beginning what was a good company by Mr. vd Ven is framed? Because they had different activities in Roosendaal Zealand and were probably originally the other companies? From Sill is how even sewn by Van Der Ven? Another scenario is that the whole mess stinks. Another question; AlgaeLink was still holding that some of KLM research was commissioned to do called "algae kerosene" (whatever that may be)? It would not surprise me or KLM has now purchased through one million or so, and the gentlemen have the money in their pocket just like it all the time in search of willing victims for the algae-mirage. Which of these scenarios is correct?- 18 11 2008
luis petinga (09:28:43) :
Geert, You would be much http://allesoveralgen.wordpress.com/2008/10/13/bioking-failliet-wat-zijn-de-gevolgen-voor-algaelink/ and read my comments below. Especially the timeline is being relevant. Without facts, every possible scenario. The facts are just one scenario: the empty picking a successful business through advances profit to, failure to a portion of the profits in the company to reserve the promising algentak and to merge as the debt to increase while you are still under way somewhere else piped (Bioking Holding BV) or the company in an accelerated phase euthanasia neck turns.- 21 11 2008
Sander Hazewinkel (10:40:58) :
No one can say that I do not have time warned !!!!! Best regards, Sander Hazewinkel (a real grower algae)- 21 01 2009
Chose (19:25:11) :
Meanwhile they still live in their big houses, the one in Brasschaat (Belgium), and the other in Goes (Netherlands). Mismanagement not addressed?, It was mid-2007 if not well with Bioking, so the logical) response is a moving example there (Algaelink) in Roosendaal because they supposedly had grown out of their jacket. Believe me mid 2007 there was already no longer in order for Bioking and they have worked on in 2006 so money from their grown coat seems very stiff. But let's assume it's true what they say, how on earth can a company that has grown out of the jacket (ie where, apparently going well d 50 million in revenues in 2007) a few months later deferral requests and later Bankruptcy . At that time it was with Algaelink just as far in debt Bioking everywhere and people not receiving their goods, and staff got their money on time. So the logical response is of course somewhere else to start a business and Cultivos des Algas that was already in Spain while 2 cases almost to the ground, is that no mismanagement? They were happy when they had a few million TURNOVER 50 million lies yes. This time the false dollars!